Dear Educators,

Welcome to the Farnsworth Art Museum’s Stories of the Land and its People project! This collaborative effort between local fourth and seventh grade classrooms and the Farnsworth Art Museum is designed to enrich student learning by connecting the arts to curricular classroom goals. 

Throughout the project, students will engage in multi-learning experiences that connect classroom-learning goals to a broader community. Students will learn in the museum, experience lessons with professional artists, and canvas their communities to capture their stories. With the help of professional artists, museum educators, art teachers, and classroom teachers these stories will be captured and put on display at the end of the school year for the public at the Farnsworth Art Museum.

In addition to student learning, the museum is dedicated to supporting classroom teachers and art teachers with continued professional development opportunities and access to resources. The Farnsworth Art Museum will provide transportation support for field trips, consultations with a museum educator, and free workshops with professional artists to support educators. The museum also offers material support for classroom projects and art installations. 

Thank you again for being a part of this arts integration project. We believe at the museum that our efforts together will enhance both student and educator learning and create a community of educators that encourage life-long learners in our classrooms. 

For program quality, please review the Educator Roles and Responsibilities and contact me with any questions.  


Andrea L. Curtis, Education Program Manager