Registration Deadline: November 1
In this Creative Writing unit students utilize the Farnsworth collection to explore elements of writing such as character development, setting, and plot. Gallery noticing activities, collaborative story-telling exercises, and descriptive writing prompts encourage students to create magical stories that connect to classic works of American art.
Please review the unit components, learning outcomes, and partnership requirements below, and fill out a letter of interest if you would like to register for the unit.
The unit is comprised of the following activities, lesson plans, and museum visits:
1) Educator Planning Session I: Unit Preparation
2) Pre-Writing Prompt: Baseline Assessment
3) Deadline: Transportation Requests, Permission Forms, and Rosters
3) Pre-Museum Classroom Lesson: Pointing with Our Words (45 minutes)
4) Museum Visit I: Character Development and Setting (1.5 hours)
5) Educator Planning Session II: Connecting in the Classroom
6) Classroom Connections: Story Drafts and Peer-revisions
7) Museum Visit II: Plot (1 hour)
8) Classroom Connections: Story Drafts, Peer-revisions, and Final works
9) Post-Writing Prompt: Final Assessment
10) Deadline: Submit Educator Observation Form, Program Evaluation, and Arts in Education Lesson Plan
Scientific illustration and research-based contextual information of a Maine eco-system
Farnsworth Arts-in-Education Programs connect arts-learning to classroom curricular learning goals. Click here for a list of Common Core Curricular Standards that educators may connect to through this project-based program.
To receive free access to this program, participating teachers must submit the following:
1) An arts-integrated lesson plan connecting to Common Core (curricular) standards;
2) A student-learning observation form;
3) A transportation request form and bus invoice (if requesting assistance); and
4) The program evaluation form.
Additionally, teachers are also required to attend at least one FAM Arts-in-Education Consultation or program workshop. Schools are encouraged to connect “exhibitions” of student work with an in-school celebration (i.e. Parent Night, etc.).